

Use this page to create answer actions that define how a person will be navigated through your web site based on their response to your questions.

When you setup Answer Actions, the person using the survey will be presented with a page with links to pages of your website based on their response to your survey. For example, if your survey asks for things that interest them about your product, you can provide them with links to pages that are important to them rather than pages that they are not interested in.

Create / Change

Define the responses to your survey and the places in your web site that people using your survey will be navigated to.

  • Select the question that you wish to define a navigation link for,
  • Add a description and URL to the page that you wish to display,
  • Select the response answers that will lead to that navigation link being displayed.
  • Enter more pages to link to for other question and answers.


Define the rules for navigating your website.

  • Turn on navigation for your survey,
  • Allow your respondents to store their navigation link for later use,
  • Customise your navigation further with you own Cascading Style Sheet and javascript.

Survey Summary

Displays all your navigation information on the one page.

To see an example of a Navigated menu, complete the Your Survey Requirements and view the custom navigation of our web site.