‘Leadership is of the spirit… its practice is an art. Management is of the mind… its practice is a science’ — Field Marshal Lord Slim
Your profile described here looks at 3 aspects of leadership (how you help others):
The results suggest that the way you think you usually lead others (for their sake) is through1 inspiration and sacrificing yourself or your needs in some way. You may therefore lead by example and increasing the sense of meaning. You are likely to be optimistic and minimise the pessimism in situations, but others may feel you are being too self-righteous when leading. You could possibly increase your leadership effectiveness if you are more alert to when leading specifically by serving others (when people feel cynical), gallantry (when people are being unfairly treated) or by coaching (when people are untruthful), may be a better way. Overall you are likely to lead by ‘energising’ others.
The results suggest that the way Person BB thinks you usually lead others (for their sake) is through1 coaching and being honest. You may therefore lead by listening to others and raising the level of constructive feedback. You are likely to be understanding and minimise the dishonesty in situations, but others may feel you are being too rude when leading. You could possibly increase your leadership effectiveness if you are more alert to when leading by sympathising and serving others (when people are cynical) or empathising and being gallant towards others (when people are being unfairly treated), may be a better way. Overall you are likely to lead by ‘enlightening’ others.
Generally, it does not appear that others would see you often overuse one particular way of leading. This might be because you adopt a flexible approach to leading others dependent on the situation or because you do not have much opportunity or desire to lead others. It may be helpful to ask others for feedback both on how you lead well and how you could lead better.
The results suggest that you want to lead others more by listening to them and giving them appropriate feedback. You can try to lead people by trying to understand them and helping them to develop themselves, and this is particularly helpful when there is a specific or general lack of honesty. You expect your leader to be honest.
Reflection: Is your leadership description consistent between the way you think you lead, the way others think you lead, and the way you want to lead? How does your reference person describe your leadership style? If there is a difference between you and them then why might this be?
Using the information above, write down what you are now going to continue doing: