'He who has the "why" to live for can bear almost any "how"' — Friedrich Nietzsche
This bar chart summarises the degree each of the Basic Human Motivations have potential in your life now (except the drives for Meaning or Survival which are not included in the analysis below). The bar chart represents the extent to which the Motivations are likely to drive you. Therefore your profile below may describe what you see as your current 'life' choices1:
The results shown in the bar chart above are typically valid for at least 6 months. However, they may change sooner, especially if you go through a stressful, emotional or extreme experience. Note that the bar lengths have no meaning in themselves - the patterns are used to provide the descriptions in this part of your report.
Reflection: What is the one thing you want to do, and would do, if you knew you could not fail?
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The human brain goes through four growth stages emphasising different motivations:
However, at any stage of life we may be at any level of motivation, and the environment often significantly affects the level we are at. For instance, it is not unusual in a modern or western society to focus strongly on Pleasure or Power.