'Life is about coming to grips with the opposite aspects of ourselves [exploring the Rooms we are not in] — or marrying them!' — Otto Kroegar [adapted]
Your profile describes what type of partners you are likely to want to work with and which type you are likely to find most attractive (however, this does not necessarily mean that they are, or are not, ideal partners).
Person AA
Preferred Team Members:
The results suggest that you will find it easiest and most comfortable to work with other team members who are organised, punctual or decisive.
Preferred (not necessarily ideal) Partners and perhaps most disliked team members:
In general, you are probably most attracted to those people who have spontaneous and fun type personalities.
ref by Person BB
The results suggest that you will find it easiest and most comfortable to work with other team members who prefer thinking and rationality and who discuss things in a logical way and who can spot inconsistencies in an argument or plan. You will probably like them to be able to rationally consider the advantages and disadvantages of a problem or situation.
You are most likely to be attracted to those people who prefer feeling and being sympathetic and whereas in love you tend to want to be touched intellectually they will probably want to be touched emotionally.
You will tend to bring a ‘cool head’ and self-respect to a relationship whereas the other will tend to help you to be more harmonious, ‘relationship aware’, value friends and family, understanding of how people feel and how better to deal with in-laws, relatives, friends and neighbours!
Those you will tend to be next most attracted to, and may often find next most difficult team members, are those who prefer being and originality and you can learn from them how to be more creative.
Note: These comments are likely to be more relevant if higher Mental Preferences are significantly greater than lower ones (see the bar chart in Section 7 Your Mental Preferences).
Reflection: Which ‘Rooms’ do your team members tend to prefer? Which ‘Room’ does your partner prefer?