'How a piece of bread looks depends on whether you are hungry or not' — Arabic Saying
Your profile here identifies what others are likely to believe about you, and what you could be more 'open' to. These can increase your life choices and help you embrace life more fully.
Person AA
Your Mental Profile suggests that you could grow more or fulfil more of your potential by more frequently using a step by step process and checking your facts. It may also help if you more readily use standard or well tried ways to solve problems and accomplish tasks. At times try to improve things in a ’continuous improvement fashion rather than just ‘changing the game’ (not just trying to invent).
Generally try to pay a bit more attention to the ‘content’ rather than the ‘form’ – in other words, more carefully look at the facts of the present reality. It may help if you ask more often the question ‘What?’ and to remember the motto ‘let's do things right’. And then carefully identify the specific details of a situation. Others will possibly believe that, at times, you respond without knowing the relevant details or that you do not know the essential details of what is going on. Perhaps try to be more realistic about the facts and practicalities. You can help to develop this attribute by learning how to apply statistical methodologies, practising your manual skills and taking up a physical hobby, such as a sport or craft such as pottery.
ref by Person BB
Your Mental Profile suggests that you could grow more or fulfil more of your potential by considering ways to be more considerate of others. It may also help if you more often look at how you can help people feel good and use Mental Preferences as a basis for reaching conclusions.
Generally try to be a bit more sympathetic. It may help if you ask more often and more carefully the question ‘Who?’ and to remember the motto ‘let's sympathise with others’. And then carefully balance the impacts on the needs and feelings of others. Others will possibly believe that you sometimes neglect considering the impact on others or do not show the appropriate respect to people or animals. Perhaps try to more thoroughly consider the impact on people for the different options. You can help to develop this attribute by improving your interpersonal skills, taking extra time out to try to understand others and learning some key relationship skills. Also consider how you can be a more supportive team member to all your team including those who are less capable.
Note: These comments are likely to be more relevant if lower Mental Preferences are significantly lower than higher ones (see the bar chart in Section 7 Your Mental Preferences).
Reflection: It has been said that it is not what you are that holds you back but what you think you are not. What are your three greatest weaknesses?
Using the information above, write down what you are now going to start or stop doing: